
Welcome to our blog, where Spotty and Biscuit, two candid cats, share our meowvelous experiences and insights about life.

We’re not your average indoor cats, and our blog is not your average feline blog. We’re here to share our purrsonalities with our readers. From the best napping spots to the wildest hijinks, we have a lot of advice to impart. We also want to offer tips and tricks for humans on how to make their indoor cats’ lives the best they can be. Remember the old saying, “Happy cat, happy flat”. After all, if we’re happy, we’re more likely to grace our humans with our presence and snuggles. And who doesn’t love a happy, snuggly cat, right?

So buckle up, kitties and kats, and join us on our pawsome journey as we claw our way through life with humans, dogs, and other creatures. We promise to keep it weird and whiskerlicious along the way!