About Us

Esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to introduce myself as Lady Spottica Aurelia (aka Spotty), the venerable matron of this household. I am a seasoned feline who has witnessed much, heard much, and snoozed through the majority of it. Startling occurrences, clamorous noises, and boisterous frolicking are not to my liking. However, I derive great pleasure from indulging in a restful slumber in a balmy sunbeam or a comfortable lap. My pastimes include avian observation, literary sleuthing, contemplating the outdoor vista, and relocating my water receptacle to confound my human. Additionally, I delight in providing sagacious counsel to those who would heed it. Pray, attend to my words with the utmost attentiveness!

What’s up, feline folks? It’s your boy, Biscuit. I’m the younger, wilder, and humonguser member of this dynamic duo. I’m always down for a good time. Whether it’s chasing a dangling feather thingy on a fishing rod or demanding knuckle rubs in my ears, I’m on it! I may have a knack for getting into trouble. But I also have a heart of gold and a purring engine that won’t quit. My hobbies include wrestling with Spotty (even if she’s not into it), gnawing on plastic (it’s a phase, okay?), and typing gibberish on Jan’s keyboard (she loves it, really).