Baby Biscuit’s Beginnings

In a jiffy, let me tell ya ’bout how I came into this big ol’ world. It was Groundhog Day back in 2019, and that’s when I made my grand entrance. Now, I gotta say, I was quite the standout kitty in my litter. While all my siblings sported darker hues, I inherited a touch of my cat mom Cali’s lighter colors. Right from the start, my human mom Julie knew I was somethin’ special, and she had plans for me.

Ya see, Julie had a friend and coworker named Jan, and she had a spot all picked out for me in Jan’s heart and home. So, at the tender age of six weeks, I packed my bags and headed to my forever home and forever mom, Jan. But let me tell ya, it wasn’t all smooth sailin’ from the get-go.

I found myself in a roomy cage, complete with all the kitty essentials – a bed, water bowl, food bowl, and litter box. Now, that wasn’t ’cause they thought I was a jailbird or somethin’. Nah, it was to keep me safe and sound and outta trouble. Ya see, there was this grumpy ol’ feline named Spotty already holdin’ down the fort, and she wasn’t too thrilled ’bout my arrival. That gal made it clear she wasn’t keen on sharin’ her turf with a newcomer like me. So, I had to tread carefully whenever I roamed free, ’cause trouble had a way of findin’ me.

Oh, but lemme tell ya ’bout the bright spot in my days – Happie, the beautiful and friendly dog who lived next door. That pup would come visit almost every day, and sometimes even at night. When Spotty would get all hissy and growly, Happie would swoop in like a hero and save the day. Happie became more than just my protector; he became my best furry friend in this big ol’ world. He had a soft spot for me, and I gotta admit, he also had a soft spot for my food.

Happie and I were like two peas in a pod, snugglin’ up together and playin’ our hearts out. I had a particular fondness for waggin’ that fluffy tail of his and lettin’ my inner wild child loose. One of my very first playthings was a ball of rolled-up Happie fur. Oh, the memories!

So there ya have it, folks, the tale of how I, the mischievous and light-colored kitty, found my forever home and my forever pal, Happie the dog. Life sure is somethin’, ain’t it?