Biscuit Unleashed: My Epic Adventure During Jan’s Trip

I gotta clarify right off the bat: it totally wasn’t my fault. Sure, the table took a tumble, the glass top got shattered, and one lamp made a grand entrance into the hallway. It felt like a disaster waiting to happen, and guess who got tangled up in it? Yep, yours truly. So, I may have hopped onto the table, but hey, it was wobbling like crazy, practically begging to be flipped over. What’s a curious cat to do but oblige, right? And down went the glass top and the lamp—just the natural course of things, really. All of this hullabaloo went down a few hours after Jan skipped town. I had a hunch she was off somewhere, thanks to that open suitcase on the bed the night before. Obviously, I had to claim it as my own cozy spot. But, cross my paws, after that table chaos, I kept things relatively chill for the rest of Jan’s absence. Would you believe it? I even spared Charlie’s pillow from a drenching!