The Account of My Actions in Jan’s Absence

In the twilight of my feline years, I, Spotty, a reclusive maven of solitude, oft seek refuge in clandestine corners, especially when unfamiliar beings traverse the household terrain or the daunting prospect of medicinal interventions looms. Thus, when Jan embarked on a recent sojourn (for reasons unbeknownst to my discernment—why forsake this bastion of tranquility and safety?), Diana, a cherished confidante and neighbor, undertook daily visits, proffering sustenance, hydration, affectionate caresses, and…alas, the dread-inducing medicinal regimen. Alas, a thyroid ailment necessitates daily ministrations. Although a mere droplet of elixir applied to the inner recesses of my auricle—a more tolerable alternative to the loathed oral pill—still disrupts my cherished serenity.

Prior to Jan’s departure, during the medicinal ritual, I possessed an uncanny knack for divining her intent, evading capture by absconding to secluded redoubts (such as beneath the bed). Alas, she, privy to all my sanctuaries, invariably unearthed me. Hence, when Diana, unacquainted with my stratagems, materialized, I tested her resilience and forbearance by seeking ever more covert refuges. One auspicious day, nestled deep within a recess of a closet ensconced beneath canine coverings, I thought victory had been secured as an hour elapsed without discovery. Alas, Diana persevered and, to my chagrin, unveiled my whereabouts. Since that epochal encounter, I have dutifully acquiesced during the prescribed medicative moments.

In this diminutive domain, my subterfuge options have been exhausted, rendering the pursuit futile. What purpose, then, in further endeavors?