The Zen of Grooming: Biscuit’s Poetic Pawspective

So, get this, folks! Spotty decided it was her duty to give me a proper tongue bath! Yeah, I mean, she’s all about hygiene, as you might’ve seen in that hilarious video she starred in. But guess what? I’m not complaining! Sometimes I even strut over to her, head lowered, like, “Hey Spotty, I’m ready for my spa treatment!” It’s less about cleanliness and more about us chilling out together, you know, like cat yoga or something. Oh, and did I mention I wrote a poem about it? Yep, turns out I’m a poet and you didn’t know it!

But hold your whiskers, ’cause let’s not jump to conclusions! Sure, Spotty’s got her grooming game on lock, but yours truly has his own routine, and let me tell you, it’s just as suave and sophisticated. I take my time, hitting all the nooks and crannies, with a pause in the middle for a quick spit break. Gotta keep the flow, you know?

And hey, before you start thinking I’m a slacker in the hygiene department, let me set the record straight! I may have been the class clown with my littermates, but when Mom dished out those feline hygiene rules, I was all ears, my friend! So next time you see me lounging around, just know I’m taking care of business, one lick at a time!